Sunday, August 23, 2009

Expecting =)

Yes we are prego!!! We're way excited =)
We had our first doctors appt. last week and we're 8 weeks so he thinks! I have to go back for more ultrasounds!! So far he thinks the baby will be due first of April.
Yay!! Keep our fingers crossed it's a boy =)


Caitlin said...

Congrats, Rusty and Ember! That is super exciting. :) Miss you guys. Hope everything else is great!

Stefanie said...

Congratulations! How exciting.

Shanda Mattsson said...

YAY! I didn't know! That is so exciting for you guys!

The Harrison's~ said...

and you get what you wanted again...hehe..yes folks it is a boy!!!

Wynter said...

Wow it has been a long time ;) A late congrats is in order. =) They are both so cute!